Employee and Manager Self-Service

Omnia Employee

Employee and Manager Self-Service


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Fast administrative processes for Human Resource Management

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Simplify the administrative management of Human Resources. With the OMNIA Employee solution, unnecessary administrative work is a thing of the past. Jobs such as processing expenses, holidays, overtime, absenteeism, declarations, payslips, records, training and every type of contract-related information can now be dematerialised thanks to a web application for the entire organisation. Data can be accessed from a computer or any mobile device with an internet connection.

Streamline not only the work of the Human Resources Department but also that of the team leaders. With this cloud-based Employee and Manager Self-Service solution on their computer, smartphone or tablet, staff can easily access the application and quickly view or update data from home or anywhere else. Managers receive requests for approval immediately and the information is automatically integrated into the ERP.

And there is no need to invest in infrastructure. Simply subscribe online to access the application and the respective maintenance, updating and continuous availability guarantees.
Eliminate your company's administrative load. With OMNIA Employee, you can:
  • Centralise your HR administrative processes in a single solution
  • Effortlessly provide information that is always up-to-date 
  • Rapidly disseminate institutional information to the entire organisation
  • Streamline expense management
  • Give employees the ability to manage their personal information independently
  • Streamline approval processes, maintaining maximum rigour
  • Make your team leaders' work more dynamic
  • Access information from any mobile device
  • Get a good return on your investment in your management system
SIMPLIFY EXPENSE MANAGEMENTLogging and approval anywhere
Log and approve expenses wherever you happen to be. Deal quickly with advance payments and reimbursements. Manage credit cards efficiently. Use OMNIA Employee to speed up all operations related to expense management and keep constantly abreast of the expenses inherent to your commercial teams' activities or those of other staff involved in representing your business.
DYNAMISE ACCESS TO ORGANISATIONAL INFORMATIONView and update information on any device
Wherever your employees happen to be, they can quickly access the solution and immediately interact with the organisation, without being hampered by the fact that they are away from the office or are working at a branch or agency located in a different geography.

Regardless of the device used, the quality of the access to the information is guaranteed. The application features a responsive design that adapts to any kind of device. Whether it is a computer, a tablet or a smartphone, viewing and updating information could not be easier.

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