Expertise in accounting, legal and tax management.


Expertise in accounting, legal and tax management.

Flexibility, precision and speed in handling high volumes of information. Management solutions for large accounting offices.

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Obtain a perpetual usage licence for the solution.

Access your management solution in the most conventional way: On-premises.
With this method, you will have access to a perpetual software usage license.

You can also avoid unpredictable updating costs and high system maintenance costs with the Continuity Software Agreement (CSA). With the CSA, you are guaranteed to always benefit from new technological features and to follow up on legal and tax-related developments in various markets, at a controlled and competitive price.

Pay only for what you use.

With the SaaS (software as a service) model, you do not need to acquire and install the software. Access is performed from an internet-connected device following the acquisition of a temporary usage license.

The use of this solution does not require an initial investment. Through payment of a monthly fee, you gain access to the software including its continuous maintenance and updates.
More productive teams.Optimise productivity. Eliminate unnecessary operations.
Avoid wasting time looking for information to complete simple operations. Using the interactive technology of Information Panels, the solution interprets your needs and automatically makes available data related with the context of the operations. 

For example, if you are working on a quote, the system automatically displays a panel with the turnover for this customer, the trading terms and the billing history or other information deemed relevant.
More productive teams.
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